Brothers and Sisters, welcome to our website!

It is our prayer that these resources will be a blessing to you.
In Christ,

TA Ministries Web Team

TA Ministries is a non-denominational and non-profit faith ministry founded in 1989 when the book ‘To Catholics Whom I Love’ was first written by Terry Arnold. This book went through several re-prints and served initially as a fruitful outreach to Roman Catholics. In 1996 the ministry became a full-time operation with the introduction of a free newsletter, later named ‘Diakrisis (Australia)’.

TA Ministries is a Ministry of Teaching, Informing and Equipping. We aim for the teaching to be based solely on Scripture (‘Sola Scriptura’). We believe in teaching God’s inerrant, inspired and infallible Word. We desire to inform, expose and teach on issues facing the church. This includes providing updated and researched material for pastors, church leaders, Christians and non-Christians who have an open mind.

The free newsletter ‘Diakrisis’ is published bi-monthly to teach, inform and equip the church of Biblical truths and to warn of false teaching. ‘Diakrisis’ is the Greek word literally meaning ‘to discern’. The ‘Diakrisis’ newsletter aims at teaching on topical issues of the day as well as discerning error from truth, (Heb.5:14). It has also been a valuable reference aid to thousands of pastors and elders.

Articles in the newsletters may be copied or reproduced provided proper credit and references are given.

The newsletter, ‘Diakrisis (Australia)’, is distributed free of charge. However, because we are a faith ministry, we welcome donations, (the newsletter costs approximately $20 per year which covers the cost of production. For transfer deposits: National Bank, Hervey Bay, Qld. Australia  084 705 02737 1856 ).

Contact us:

T. A. Ministries

PO Box 432, BABINDA,

QLD, 4861,



Ph. 0411489472


National Bank

BSB 084 705

Account No. 02737 1856

The Gospel

The message of God is: That Jesus Christ came as God (Deity) in the flesh and humbled Himself to die (a substitute) in our place as a sinless, perfect, and finished sacrifice, and through His blood to pay the penalty (redemption) of our sin and to satisfy (propitiate) the wrath of God upon sin. He rose from the dead in the (resurrection) power of the Holy Spirit to declare (impute) His righteousness to those who will believe and trust Him as Lord and Saviour. He gives eternal life to sinners who repent and have faith in who He is and what He did.