This section lists some of the great teachers and Christian leaders centuries gone. Their conversions, their lives and their biographies are concisely told in short articles..
George Mueller v2.5. –
George Mueller Printable Booklet v2.5. –
His name is legendary amongst those who have lived ‘by faith’ and practised that in their ministries. Mueller’s principles in prayer are timeless. His testimony is encouraging, at time miraclous, and definitely faith inspiring.
George Whitefield v2.5 –
George Whitefield Printable Booklet v2.5 –
Arguably the greatest revival apart from the Reformation itself began in the late 1730’s and extended for almost 50 years. It was dubbed ‘The Great Evangelical Awakening’. It was a sudden, sovereign and unexpected move of the Holy Spirit that swept through England…. It literally changed the course of history and shook the moral fabric of society. One of the most influential preachers of these days was George Whitefield. This article documents an overview of some of his teachings, his life and his preaching.
Guillaume Farel v2.5 –
Guillaume Farel Printable Booklet v2.5 –
Guillaume Farel was considered by many to be the ‘apostle of French Switzerland’. When he began to preach salvation by grace through faith alone it ignited revivals, but also incurred the wrath of the Roman Catholic religion. He was an important figure in the Reformation in Europe.
The life of John Bunyan v2.5 –
The life of John Bunyan Printable Booklet v2.5 –
Among the great Puritans who shaped nations appears the name of John Bunyan. He is best known for his writings such as ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’… This is the amazing story, an overview of his conversion, imprisonment and his ministry.
John Newton And Amazing Grace v2.5 –
John Newton And Amazing Grace Printable Booklet v2.5 –
Newton is famous for his hymn ‘Amazing Grace’. But his life story and conversion is the backdrop for this hymn. This article is an overview of his life, his struggles and his amazing escapes from death, before he was gloriously converted. His impact on England and Europe are told in this faith inspiring article.
The Welsh Revival v2.5 –
The Welsh Revival Printable Booklet v2.5 –
(Quotes are taken from the book ‘The Welsh Revival’ by Thomas Philips, written in 1860) The Welsh Revival of 1859 shook a sizeable part of Great Britain and its effects were felt around the world. ‘The whole heathen world is being rapidly opened to the Gospel. The two great powers that have for ages opposed its progress throughout a large portion of the earth – Popery and Mohammedanism – are giving daily proofs of weakness and decay.’ Oh that we would compare this and other ‘awakenings’ with many of the so called ‘revivals’ of the 20th Century! The reader will soon see the stark differences….
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