Some thoughts on ‘Hermeneutics’ v2.5–
Some thoughts on ‘Hermeneutics’ Bootable Booklet v2.5–
The word ‘Hermeneutics’ refers to the science and art of the principles of interpretation. Interpretation is simply ‘rightly dividing the word of God ’, (2Tim.2:15). To do this accurately involves ‘study’ and being a ‘workman’, (2Tim.2:15).
How To “Study” the Bible v2.5 –
How To “Study” the Bible Printable Booklet v2.5 –
An Imperative To Any Bible Study System.
How Do You Read – Study the Bible v2.5
How Do You Read – Study the Bible. Printable Booklet v2.5
The history of hermeneutics; the various methods weighed. The inconsistencies with subjective interpretations from which a number of meanings can be derived. The authority is more then with the reader than the author. Yet the original author surely had one meaning he wanted to convey…
How Do You Think v2.5 – Revised –
How Do You Think Printable Booklet v2.5 – Revised –
What is objective Biblical thinking? How should we think between experience and Scripture; What about the Love of God/Wrath of God, etc?
The Battle for the Bible v2.5
The Battle for the Bible Printable Booklet v2.5
At the root of the falling away (apostasy) of the church is how church leaders and Christians see the Bible. The once high views of inspiration, inerrancy and preservation which were held down the running centuries are today under attack. With the rise of ‘textual criticism’ some now say that the Scriptures only ‘contain’ the word of God.
Myth Busters v2.5 –
Myth Busters Printable Booklet v2.5 –
Various dictionaries define ‘eisegesis’ as a personal interpretation of a Bible text using ones own ideas or bias. The following are the most commonly misused Scriptures in modern times. The two questions that solve most of the errors in the interpretation of these Scriptures are: What is the larger context? and Who is the passage speaking to?
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