For more on the Gospel and False gospels go to ”Diakrisis TV”. These are five short video clips of various aspects of the gospel and false gospels.
Diakrisis TV :

Which Gospel v2.5
Which Gospel Printable Booklet v2.5

A look at the modern gospel presentations and how they have changed. Today there are many evangelism ‘tracts’ and ‘plans’ of salvation. The content of many such Gospel messages is fast becoming ‘another Gospel’ and seducing people with ‘another jesus’. It’s that serious.
The so called ‘Plan of Salvation’ in many tracts and books often begins with a statement to the effect that ‘God Loves You’. Today this is possibly the worst way one could introduce Christ and Him crucified! It also completely contradicts the methods of the great Reformers, evangelists and church leaders of old. They started their Gospel presentation with the opposite idea – ‘man is a sinner’!…