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The Day They Evicted Our Church & Epilogue (Revised 2018)
The Day They Evicted Our Church & Epilogue (Revised 2018) Printable Booklet

In the last few weeks I have seen the worst injustice inflicted by any denomination upon a group of Bible believing people. Rather than allow my emotions to run, it be best if I transcribe the diary, as the entries below are the historical facts.

The Churches of Christ ‘Restoration Movement’ and Campbellism v20
The Churches of Christ ‘Restoration Movement’ and Campbellism Printable Booklet v20

The following article is written in the hope that Churches of Christ   pastors, elders and members will consider what the roots of the ‘Restoration movement’ are and what this movement taught and still teaches today. The Queensland Churches of Christ openly state they are committed to seeing the ‘Restoration movement’ adopted within the Queensland Churches of Christ.

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