Misconceptions in Modern ‘Spiritual Warfare’ v2.5
Misconceptions in Modern ‘Spiritual Warfare’ Printable Booklet v2.5

Much emphasis today is being placed on ‘Spiritual Warfare’. ‘Deliverance ministries’ abound. Demons are being blamed for sinful behaviour and are being ‘driven out’ of Christians. Territorial spirits and strongholds are supposedly being broken and cast out of areas of the earth. ‘Spirits’ of varying kinds are being named – there are supposedly spirits of Jezebel, control, death and hell, divination, python spirits, insecurity, lying spirits, filthy mind, ego, vanity, forgetfulness, suicide, asthma, allergies, autism, dyslexia, blindness, homosexuality, materialism, greed, egotism. Then there are lists of ‘curses’ – sexual perversion, pride, rebellion, stubbornness, etc. Many of these ‘spirits’ and ‘curses’ are simply never mentioned in scripture as ‘spirits’. Rather, they are mentioned as sin!     There are also methods of ‘cleansing’ rooms or houses in which spirits are ‘bound’ and then the ‘blood of Jesus’ is placed around the doors and boundaries.  All of this is again totally outside of scripture.


Please check our Resource List .PDF on this website to find prices for the following media.
‘Delivered From the Power of Darkness – A True Story’ DVD
(Excellent on demonology and spiritual warfare)
Sermon on CD
‘Spiritual Warfare’ Speaker Terry Arnold

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