What are the Biblical principles of the doctrines of separation and fellowship? What is ‘modesty’?

Fellowship, Separation & Sectarianism v2.5
Fellowship, Separation & Sectarianism Printable Booklet v2.5

The Bible commands us to separate from certain things. The problem with much of the Christian church today is that we are striving for an ecumenical unity at all costs – including truth! Yet there can be no unity without the truth of God’s Word, (John 17:11-17). What does the Bible command us to separate from?

Christian Modesty v2.5
Christian Modesty Printable Booklet v2.5

I am about to tackle a subject that will no doubt raise the ire of many because it is personal . But this is an an issue in many churches today. What is ‘modesty’? What does the Bible teach about Christian modesty? Some practical considerations…

What is ‘Worldliness’ v2.5
What is ‘Worldliness’ Printable Booklet v2.5

Recently I was asked ‘what do you mean by ‘worldliness’? In an age when the church is increasingly like the world in its thinking and philosophies, it is important to define this word…..(If you find this article Helpful, you may also like to read our article on) –

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