What was the purpose of the healing gifts? Are they for today? Do the healers of today have the same gifts as in the first century? What of the scriptures used for healing?
By His Stripes We Are Healed (revised) v2.6
By His Stripes We Are Healed (revised) Printable Booklet v2.6
Often people and ministries preaching or writing on the subject of bodily healing use the phrase ‘by his stripes we are healed’. Many are unaware of the error of this and it being taken out of context and that the words are actually a direct quote from the Old Testament. Many also link this phrase with healing being provided in the atonement made by Christ on the cross…
Healing v2.5 –
Healing Printable Booklet v2.5 –
What was the purpose of the healing gifts? Are they for today? Do the healers of today have the same gifts as in the first century? What of the scriptures used for healing?
This is one of the most ‘documented’ healings in modern Pentecostal times.
Was it really ‘Something To Shout About‘? An examination of this intriguing case brings to light some startling facts. It is a warning to many that what we see is not always what is claimed.
‘Healing’ Investigation v2.5 –
‘Healing’ Investigation – Printable Booklet v2.5 –
This is a typical healing investigation undertaken by our ministry. In various issues of our Newsletter we have uncovered numerous fraudulent claims to the gift of miraculous healing. The many ‘healers’ of today have repeatedly been exposed and challenged to show one authentic case of healing of an organic disease and they have failed every time.
This is a letter from, and our reply to, a dying man who was promised healing by the faith healers. he wrote: ‘Dear television pastor, I have got some concerns about healing; and am also struggling with ‘being saved’!….. I am now terminally ill with heart disease…. Can we ‘claim’ healing in the same way as salvation?…
Healing and Down Syndrome v2.5 –
Healing and Down Syndrome Printable Booklet v2.5 –
The Terms
. Because of a lack of knowledge of what the Bible teaches, and in particular doctrine, many Christians are often confused about the doctrine of healing. Many do not understand that miraculous healing is very often different from the ‘gifts of healing’ and the claims thereof. At the outset this author would state that miraculous healing is sovereign and of God and thus scripturally could not be said to have ceased, just as any miracle of God is possible. But the twentieth Century has seen an epidemic in the teaching of, and the claims for, the gifts of miraculous healing.